Many itineraries for your trekking in Langhe and Roero


Excursions on Roero hills

As for the mountain bike, also for the trekking lovers (hiking) Belvedere in Montà offers a perfect starting point.
From the hotel, in a few meters, take the main paths that are developed for over one hundred km of perfectly marked routes.
Roero and in particular Montà, are crossed by several tracks designed just for hikers: from short and easy paths suitable for families to others much more difficult that require more days to complete them.
All the itineraries are equipped with GPX tracks  downloaded for free from the web site Ecomuseo delle Rocche del Roero.
Most of the tracks for trekking are thematic and equipped with descriptive panels and audio and video guides, that also serves as an useful tool to learn about the area.
Audio and video guide of Rocche del Roero paths is absolutely a brand new tool and offers an experience of cultural enrichment that finds very few equals in Italy.

The excursions in the Roero hills are a unique and charming experience.
Due the very varied and never equal territory you can cross wooded and humid, more arid and sunny areas, areas completely cultivated with vineyards, steep lands dug by the ground erosion- le Rocche del Roero – and sandy valleys.

In Roero villages you find many castles – visit the Roero castles – and towers still inhabited and often visited. Along the routes it is usual to meet farms, wineries that welcome us for a visit to the winery or simply for a nice typical products tasting. 

Trails with departure and arrival from Montà

  • Sentiero dell’Apicoltura: Through the ideal habitat for beekeeping, discovering ancient methods of honey production as well as the beehive ciabòt, rural buildings unique in Europe.
    Lenght km 3.9 – duration: 1 hour 30 min – difference in level 150 mt – difficulty E (hikers).
  • Sentiero del Castagno: A paradise of contrasting surroundings, from hills with vineyards and orchards to wet areas of the biotopes, through ancient chestnut groves and votive shrines.
    Lenght km 9.2 – duration 3 hours 30 min – difference in level 180 mt – difficulty EE (expert hikers).
  • Sentiero Religioso: Following the footsteps of the ancient pilgrims travelling from the village to the Holy Mount built on the hilltop, upon the remains of a pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Diana.
    Lenght km 5.7 – duration 2 hours 15 min – difference in level 170 mt – difficulty E (hikers).
  • Sentiero del Tartufo: Along the shady trails of the trifolao, the hunters of the fine white truffle of the Rocche, and then up along the vineyards grown in sandy soil and dotted with all sorts of different ciabòt.
    Lenght km 4.5 – duration 2 hours – difference in level 170 mt – difficulty EE (expert hikers).
  • Sentiero del Lupo: The path that winds through the old wood, already known to the Romans as “silva popularis”, along the valleys of centuries-old chestnut trees that stand as sentinels to the most isolated villages.
    Lenght km 7 – duration 2 hours 30 min – difference in level 140 mt – difficulty E (hikers).

Trails passing from Montà

  • S1 il grande sentiero del Roero that crosses all the villages of the Rocche del Roero (from Cisterna d’Asti to the town of Bra passing through Canale, Montà, S. Stefano Roero, Monteu Roero, Montaldo Roero, Baldissero d’Alba , Sommariva Perno and Pocapaglia). Forty kilometers of nature and historic villages. The S1 lends itself to be covered in 2 stages. It is possible to book the baggage transport service, the naturalistic guide both feet and mountain bike.
    Length 40 km – duration 10 hours – difficulty EE (expert hikers)

Bio Pic-Nic for your trekking

During your walks on Roero trails you can take with you the Bio Pic-Nic basket that you can consume in the ciabot: a small and peculiar rural building among the vineyards, or along the path or simply in the point you prefer.
Omelettes, salami, cheese, salads and bagnetto verde (green sauce): just some of the delicious and typical courses you can take with you.

Ciabòt are small rural building among the vineyards and in the past they hosted the farmers during their break from the work. Tools were kept there, they collected water and served as a shelter in bad weather.
Today some of these ciabot, located in strategic points, are used in tourist key, and thanks to particular agreements allow living an experience of other times in contact with nature.

Reservation of the Bio Pic Nic in the Ciabot directly at the hotel.

The emotion of Alba withe truffle hunting

To attend to a search for Alba white truffle. To go in search of truffles with the trifolao (truffle hunter) with his tabui (the inseparable truffle dog) in a charming walk into the woods.
The reaserch starts with a small general explanation about the vast truffles world: the different types, the various research and training methods and their regulations. Then we enter into the tartufaia: the territory where truffles ripen, and we assist to the work of the owner with his dog.

The truffles world is certainly full of charm. Roero and Langa are unique territories in which the Alba white truffle, renowned and appreciated all over the world, grows.
The Rocche del Roero truffle is considered one of the best and the most loved by the chef, due to a more rounded shape, thanks to the sandy soils, that allows easy cleaning.

Outdoor “Green Gym”

Every Wednesday evening in June and July in Montà at Centro Outdoor Valle delle Rocche – Bjt park: outdoor gym sessions suitable for everyone.

Fitness gym nel verde